The board of Brf Hagalunden consists of seven regular members and three alternate members. The board's task is to manage the common assets of the association, both financial and physical. The property manager takes care of issues related to our properties and adjacent lots, and the financial manager handles issues related to economic administration, housing registers, etc.
Board 2023-2024
- Ulrika Gullo, chair
- André Gustafsson, vice chair
- Magnus Persson, treasurer
- Sara Dreijer, secretary
- Simon Josefsson, member
- Liselott Andrén, member
- Biran Zhang, member
- Nurten Duru, alternate
- Jignesh Malde, alternate
- Sigrid Abenius, alternate
Contact the board:
Auditors 2023-2024
- Anders Slättås, JA Revision KB, external auditor
- Gustav Rylander, Internal auditor
- Yassine Qrimeche, Alternate internal auditor
Election committee 2023-2024
- Anders Norrlid
- Peder Christerson
- Erika Jarnhäll Sjöman